Saturday, October 26, 2013


This Saturday morning, I came upon some news in Singapore. Then, I started to think about why Singapore has become a place of travel for some. To my surprise, I easily found a report that was released recently about traveling to Singapore. Take a look at this! Also, I came upon a really intriguing article that reveals one of Singapore's secrets!

Finally, to start off your weekend with something inspiring, please look at this!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Maybe Something Adventurous?

The other day when my Google search browser popped as my Internet home page, my eyes were drawn to the Google logo animation. Then I started to think... what made Google so inclined to make an animation to commemorate the 216th anniversary of the first parachute jump? The first parachute jump was by a Frenchman who had plenty of time to ponder the idea of parachuting while in a Hungarian prison. Well, what if this Frenchman (AndrĂ©-Jacques Garnerin) was never in Hungary to tackle the concept of parachuting a human body from great heights?

Besides parachuting, check out some of these crazy yet beautiful experiences:

Zip lining in Africa

Bungee Jumping in China

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Making Life More Festive

Ever thought of a way to wrap an entire travel experience into one package? Maybe attending or being part of a festival is the answer! These days, festivals could include food, activities, learning experiences and so much more. But don't worry, there could possibly be a festival for everyone! The writer of "Fest300" from the above link gives photos and commentary from his own personal festival experiences and he is inspiringly impressive!

What I believe makes festivals a "must" on everyone's travel bucket list is that it is a way to meet new people. Even better, these people probably somehow have the beliefs and interests that correspond with your own! This website gives a more structured list of alluring festivals by place and the time of year they occur. I shouldn't have been surprised when I found that there is a Facebook page on festivals that are ongoing. This could be very helpful for those of us that are attached to social media and can access it on every electronic device that we own. But really, if you think festivals are just for extroverts, just for the young and ambitious, or just for older people think again!

The writer of "Fest300", Chip Conley, is a name that I have found over and over again when looking into festivals all over the world. If you were unable to explore his website from the first link, sign up for free to get emails from his extremely informative and compelling website.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Biggest Mediterranean Island?

Any guesses on what it is? If you guessed Sicily, you were right! Only knowing little about this Italian island, I tried to look into what makes Sicily's visitors never forget it. I finally was able to find a website that gives a really great summary of Sicily's historical prominence and why this writer believes it is unforgettable. Just read through the first two sections!
I personally have never thought of Sicily being that big, but I think what makes it seem even bigger is that it is a little tricky to get around. Here is a map that I found to get acquainted with where the island is and then zoom in to see the general layout of it! Once you are zoomed in, you can read the information ("Five Top Sights") below that describe the locations.
After all of this, I would check out this website to give your brain a fun way of learning more about Sicily while getting to look at pictures. I had never before heard of boutique wineries! Anyone who wants to quickly understand what they are, read this!
This is a lot of information to take in, but in terms of traveling to Sicily I will leave you all with this! I hope you learned something about this seemingly amazing Italian island!

This video may have some cheesy music, but it shows a lot of the sights that were on the map and the websites that we looked at!
Watch this!!!!!

Friday, October 11, 2013

Tasty Travel

Who doesn't have a food that they love? I found it interesting that the distinguished BBC News would be confident enough to write this article. I think that this should not necessarily sway one's travel decisions, but it may help persuade them!

Roughly three meals a day, seven days a week, four weeks per month, etc. and the food consumption seems endless. But, that constant seems like it is becoming more dangerous for the increasing rate of human obesity. When I have traveled, I have never thought to take a look at the topic of food until arriving at my destination. Maybe this will spark some interest when looking into travel.

Finally, to start off the weekend with something a little more creative, take a look!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Happy Sunday!

Tomorrow marks the beginning of a new week. For some light reading on what I was trying to explain in the first blog post, I found an article that is very clarifying as to the significant impact of travel on all of us.

It is hard to believe that the US government is shut down. This of course has a huge impact on many things, including travel in the US. People may think that only the very tourist-oriented travel destinations are affected by this government crisis. But in reality, we should think of the historic destinations that are run by the government that are closed.

I hope this video will give us a reason to start the week off well. If you are working, that money could one day be used to travel!

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Baby Steps

The excuse to avoid looking into travel, "There are so many places, I don't know where to start" is not acceptable. Baby steps! I had the same frustration when trying to begin this blog, figure out what I want it to accomplish, and how to make that happen. Then I started to search the Internet and quickly my mood shifted when I came upon this. It may seem a little cheesy, but it definitely is reassuring when every person feels like a lost in a sea of possibilities.

My goals for this blog are to keep myself and whoever may read this blog on their toes. I hope to spark people's interest in travel with various different resources and keep it continually on their minds. Then, travel seems less foreign because the idea of it has resurfaced in individual's minds over and over again.
For instance, many people could be sitting on their bed and not move an inch. But, right now we could ponder the ethics behind current travel trends. For example, when does technology intervene with what we consider "vacation"? Is traveling no exception for when it comes to letting technology rule our lives? I found it very interesting how this hotel took advantage of how technology is ingrained in our lives, by incorporating social media into their guest accommodations. Is this more beneficial for the guests, the hotel, or both?