Saturday, October 5, 2013

Baby Steps

The excuse to avoid looking into travel, "There are so many places, I don't know where to start" is not acceptable. Baby steps! I had the same frustration when trying to begin this blog, figure out what I want it to accomplish, and how to make that happen. Then I started to search the Internet and quickly my mood shifted when I came upon this. It may seem a little cheesy, but it definitely is reassuring when every person feels like a lost in a sea of possibilities.

My goals for this blog are to keep myself and whoever may read this blog on their toes. I hope to spark people's interest in travel with various different resources and keep it continually on their minds. Then, travel seems less foreign because the idea of it has resurfaced in individual's minds over and over again.
For instance, many people could be sitting on their bed and not move an inch. But, right now we could ponder the ethics behind current travel trends. For example, when does technology intervene with what we consider "vacation"? Is traveling no exception for when it comes to letting technology rule our lives? I found it very interesting how this hotel took advantage of how technology is ingrained in our lives, by incorporating social media into their guest accommodations. Is this more beneficial for the guests, the hotel, or both?

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