Thursday, November 28, 2013


Before discussing another destination, I found this fantastic collection by the New York Times. It covers so many places worth traveling to in an incredibly organized fashion and includes pictures, maps, etc. The first on the New York Times' list, is Rio de Janeiro. But, you may not know that Rio de Janerio is not Brazil's capital.
For anyone who finds BuzzFeed to be fun to read, the website makes an entertaining and convincing argument to travel to Brazil. But, there are resources for readers that would like a more substantive discussion of the advantages of Brazil. This website highlights some interesting facts about Brazil, including that it hosts part of the Amazon Rainforest.

Speaking of the Amazon Rainforest, did you know that "around 80% of the food we eat originally came from rain forests"? Even worse, the rain forests are "being destroyed by 1.5 acres every second". The facts are staggering!

Speaking of Brazil's economics, it is important to remember that the Olympics are being held in Rio de Janeiro in 2016. The economic gap between the lower and upper classes is quite prominent, but doesn't that sound familiar? America might benefit by noticing the demonstrations held by Brazilians to protest the economic inequality. For some more background information on the efforts occurring in Brazil, check out the New York Times contributed this!

For more on the 2016 Summer Olympics, did you know that technically there are being hosted in four locations? (One of which are Rio de Janeiro.)

Monday, November 25, 2013

Canada is BIG

You may not know this, but Canada is one of the world's biggest countries. Canada is also big in the sense that it has so much to offer. Here is a map to get better acquainted with where Montreal, Quebec, Toronto, and other major areas are:

If you had never known, the capital of Canada is Ottawa. 
For a Canadian perspective, one Canadian believes that these are the country's hidden gems. On the other hand, there are various American perspectives on what the differences are between America and Canada. But then again, it might not be worth it to compare the two countries. For some lighter reading, the Canadians do have reasons to be proud of their country.

Friday, November 22, 2013


Because China is still under Communist reign, I decided to look into the country. It is a HUGE country and contains so many spectacles like the Great Wall! I found it interesting how the United States  portrays its relations with China and the country overall. But as I tried to avoid articles from Chinese sources (to get outsider traveler perspective), it is obvious that the country has been experiencing changes.
When I tried to dig for more information, so much I "didn't know about China" came up. Of course it is hard to be unbiased, so I am just trying to find all of the perspectives on China overall. Plus, there is a blog that discusses and claims some more unknown things about China.

More specifically, travel to China can seem a bit overwhelming. But, there are so many websites at our fingertips that are so helpful. Make sure that you also glance at the tabs on the side of this website!
Check out this link for some travel tips that you would only think of if you were pretty familiar with the culture!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Find Fiji

When I think of a dream destination I think of Fiji. But it is hard to know if a tiny but far speck of beauty is worth all of the expenses. Make sure you read this first to get yourself better acquainted with some preliminary information about Fiji.

After becoming independent from Britain in 1970, it became a republic in 1987. In terms of politics, these are very recent occurrences. Fiji celebrates its history and independence on Fiji Day, which is very important to the Fijians. This year Fiji had its forty third anniversary of being independent from Britain. 

"Fiji's 333 islands... are home to approximately 883,00 people, three quarters of whom live on the main island of Viti Levu". The same website explains that "Fiji is home to over 4,000 square miles of coral reef, including the Great Astrolabe Reef. " Also, "Fiji's waters are home to over 1,500 species of sea life". If you look at the map above, all of the red and white flags mark the major scuba diving sites. Fiji is known to have one of the best diving sites in the world. 

On a more political note, I found it interesting how much I had not known. After reading about the military coup that took power in 2006, here is some more interesting knowledge to gain. I will look for some more recent articles on this topic, since both of these links are from 2012!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Visit the Kiwis: New Zealand

Known for its beauty and welcoming citizens, New Zealand truly is a travel destination that should be on all of our lists. But how to get there? It is pretty far from most places on the globe!
Check this out! It might motivate you...

If you don't mind some grammatically unsound blogging, this blog does a great and entertaining job of writing about the life and culture of New Zealand... and what it is really like to be there! As the New Zealand Herald writes, the Kiwis are pretty happy to be in New Zealand. 

 If you do end up making it to New Zealand, beware of the jet lag that you might encounter!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Why Everyone Loves Switzerland

So if Costa Rica was referred to as the "Switzerland of Central America" (see last blog post), what is it about Switzerland that is so fantastic. I just finished reading something the New York Times published today, about how the Swiss government might start giving its citizens an allowance. If you don't believe why the Swiss overall seemingly have a good quality of life,  check out more reasons why Switzerland treats its citizens so well. I found a great website that covers everything that has to do with Switzerland, even down to the history of the Swiss flag. I never knew that the Swiss flag is the only national flag that is a square and not a rectangle.
"Switzerland has a great deal to offer: cultural diversity, multilingualism, stunning scenery and, of course, its people."

This was definitely something worth reading, because it really has some interesting facts! Putting the Swiss chocolate aside for a moment, here is something that gives an idea of the raw beauty of the country. On the right of the destinations is a map that can be used to search and find locations. The Guardian has some great pictures for winter in Switzerland, and winter is practically around the corner!

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Pura Vida: It's the Good Life!

When I traveled to Costa Rica it was paradise. The people are so welcoming and friendly (especially if you speak Spanish to them), the landscape is so beautiful, and the country has so much to offer. From the volcanoes and mountains to the oceanside to the canals to the tropical rain forests, there is something to see for everyone! In this interesting synopsis, Costa Rica is referred to as the Switzerland of Central America
The same website from the link above gives a great comment: "To put things in perspective, consider the fact that prior to 1950, half of the country struggled with grinding poverty, and living beyond the age of 50 was an achievement in itself. Today, less than one in five Ticos (Costa Ricans) lives below the poverty line, and life expectancy is on par with the USA."

I found a great travel blogger! The creator of "Nomadic Matt" quit his job to travel the world and gives tips, places to see, and afantastic and non-overwhleming summary of travel to Costa Rica!

This interactive map may seem too dense to look at, but it is broken down into different regions of the country. After breaking down the regions, you can explore the different sights and even the creatures that inhabit Costa Rica... When I was in Costa Rica I went on a crocodile expedition! 

Thursday, November 7, 2013

The Possibilities of Prague- Europe's Hidden Gem

Whenever I talk to friends about the places that have really stuck with them ever since they visited, I always hear the answer "Prague". Now where exactly is Prague? From, I found it interesting that the population of Prague (the capital of the Czech Republic) is 1,262,000. In 2010, an interesting article  was written about Prague twenty years after communism and the lively gay communities blossoming. Reading all recent articles on Prague, it seems that this culture of youth and "NeoPrague" is rippling throughout the capital. Prague is proof that a beautiful historical past and its architecture can be integrated with new lively culture. 

When looking into Prague, I found out that Hitler was such a fan of the beautiful city that he "wanted to save it for himself". Take a look at why believe believe that fairytales could happen in Prague. 

BONUS: Prague is a UNESCO World Heritage Site! This site gives such a great historical background!

Sunday, November 3, 2013


So I was thinking and the country of Ireland came to mind. But because the previous link is very vast, here is a more condensed list of places inside Dublin and outside of the city. Further, the well known Frommer's website is great to peak at when trying to decide when to travel to Ireland, especially if we are factoring in the holidays.

Take a look at this interactive map and be sure to click on the points!

This might seem a little cheesy, but here is a great travel list that gives another perspective of what it might be like to travel there.

Easter Island

One of the most isolated islands in the world, this Pacifiic island is also known as Rapa Nui. Although Easter Island is part of Chile, it is only 63 square miles big. Interestingly, this island has been named a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

When people usually think of Easter Island, the massive stone head statues pop into their minds. Check out this website to see exactly what I am talking about and  virtually navigate all of Easter Island! Make sure to check out the sounds and panoramic photographs of Easter Island! Also, this website gave a great explanation as to what these archeologists believe the giant head statues are:

"Archeologist Jo Anne Van Tilburg, who has studied the moai for many years, believes the statues may have been created in the image of various paramount chiefs. They were not individualized portrait sculptures, but standardized representations of powerful individuals. The mali may also hold a sacred role in the life of the Rapa Nui, acting as ceremonial conduits for communication with the Gods. According to Van Tilburg, their physical position between Earth and sky puts them on both secular and sacred ground; secular in their representation of chief and their ability to physically prop up the sky, and sacred in their proximity to the heavenly gods."

In terms of traveling to Easter Island:
Although it is isolated and very overpopulated, there still are reasons  to visit Easter Island. Because the island has been inhabited for such a long time, the native peoples have various languages. I found it very interesting that Papa Nui is considered to be very fragile
In terms of packing, it is recommended to pack lightly but efficiently. It rains there year round, but can get pretty hot.