Sunday, November 3, 2013

Easter Island

One of the most isolated islands in the world, this Pacifiic island is also known as Rapa Nui. Although Easter Island is part of Chile, it is only 63 square miles big. Interestingly, this island has been named a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

When people usually think of Easter Island, the massive stone head statues pop into their minds. Check out this website to see exactly what I am talking about and  virtually navigate all of Easter Island! Make sure to check out the sounds and panoramic photographs of Easter Island! Also, this website gave a great explanation as to what these archeologists believe the giant head statues are:

"Archeologist Jo Anne Van Tilburg, who has studied the moai for many years, believes the statues may have been created in the image of various paramount chiefs. They were not individualized portrait sculptures, but standardized representations of powerful individuals. The mali may also hold a sacred role in the life of the Rapa Nui, acting as ceremonial conduits for communication with the Gods. According to Van Tilburg, their physical position between Earth and sky puts them on both secular and sacred ground; secular in their representation of chief and their ability to physically prop up the sky, and sacred in their proximity to the heavenly gods."

In terms of traveling to Easter Island:
Although it is isolated and very overpopulated, there still are reasons  to visit Easter Island. Because the island has been inhabited for such a long time, the native peoples have various languages. I found it very interesting that Papa Nui is considered to be very fragile
In terms of packing, it is recommended to pack lightly but efficiently. It rains there year round, but can get pretty hot.

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