Friday, November 22, 2013


Because China is still under Communist reign, I decided to look into the country. It is a HUGE country and contains so many spectacles like the Great Wall! I found it interesting how the United States  portrays its relations with China and the country overall. But as I tried to avoid articles from Chinese sources (to get outsider traveler perspective), it is obvious that the country has been experiencing changes.
When I tried to dig for more information, so much I "didn't know about China" came up. Of course it is hard to be unbiased, so I am just trying to find all of the perspectives on China overall. Plus, there is a blog that discusses and claims some more unknown things about China.

More specifically, travel to China can seem a bit overwhelming. But, there are so many websites at our fingertips that are so helpful. Make sure that you also glance at the tabs on the side of this website!
Check out this link for some travel tips that you would only think of if you were pretty familiar with the culture!


  1. As I mentioned the shift in communism in China, there is some huge news! China is changing some its policies that its government has become known for. A must read article:

  2. In terms of relations with Japan, this is a great article that has the most recent information that is worth looking at:

  3. If you do make it to China one day, try and make it to this stunning geological park:
