Thursday, November 28, 2013


Before discussing another destination, I found this fantastic collection by the New York Times. It covers so many places worth traveling to in an incredibly organized fashion and includes pictures, maps, etc. The first on the New York Times' list, is Rio de Janeiro. But, you may not know that Rio de Janerio is not Brazil's capital.
For anyone who finds BuzzFeed to be fun to read, the website makes an entertaining and convincing argument to travel to Brazil. But, there are resources for readers that would like a more substantive discussion of the advantages of Brazil. This website highlights some interesting facts about Brazil, including that it hosts part of the Amazon Rainforest.

Speaking of the Amazon Rainforest, did you know that "around 80% of the food we eat originally came from rain forests"? Even worse, the rain forests are "being destroyed by 1.5 acres every second". The facts are staggering!

Speaking of Brazil's economics, it is important to remember that the Olympics are being held in Rio de Janeiro in 2016. The economic gap between the lower and upper classes is quite prominent, but doesn't that sound familiar? America might benefit by noticing the demonstrations held by Brazilians to protest the economic inequality. For some more background information on the efforts occurring in Brazil, check out the New York Times contributed this!

For more on the 2016 Summer Olympics, did you know that technically there are being hosted in four locations? (One of which are Rio de Janeiro.)

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