Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Find Fiji

When I think of a dream destination I think of Fiji. But it is hard to know if a tiny but far speck of beauty is worth all of the expenses. Make sure you read this first to get yourself better acquainted with some preliminary information about Fiji.

After becoming independent from Britain in 1970, it became a republic in 1987. In terms of politics, these are very recent occurrences. Fiji celebrates its history and independence on Fiji Day, which is very important to the Fijians. This year Fiji had its forty third anniversary of being independent from Britain. 

"Fiji's 333 islands... are home to approximately 883,00 people, three quarters of whom live on the main island of Viti Levu". The same website explains that "Fiji is home to over 4,000 square miles of coral reef, including the Great Astrolabe Reef. " Also, "Fiji's waters are home to over 1,500 species of sea life". If you look at the map above, all of the red and white flags mark the major scuba diving sites. Fiji is known to have one of the best diving sites in the world. 

On a more political note, I found it interesting how much I had not known. After reading about the military coup that took power in 2006, here is some more interesting knowledge to gain. I will look for some more recent articles on this topic, since both of these links are from 2012!

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